A lot happened in Iran over the past weekend, so I thought I'd share some headlines from a handful of Persian newspapers and websites.
The most prominent event, of course, was the inauguration of new president Hasan Rowhani.
BBC Farsi published an article with this headline:
رويكرد - approach
اصلی - main
دولت - government
زمينه - background
سازی - of
مشاركت - participation
مردم - people
The other significant occurrence, which received less attention in the Western media, was Rowhani's proposal of cabinet members. Tabnak described Rowhani's cabinet proposals with the following headline from this article:
کابینه - cabinet
پیشنهادی - proposed
Translation: The proposed cabinet is the 50-50 cabinet
The article describes Rowhani's proposed cabinet as an even split of conservatives/principalists and reformers. The move was seen as a bit disappointing by reformists with high hopes following Rowhani's election.
A lot happened in Iran over the past weekend, so I thought I'd share some headlines from a handful of Persian newspapers and websites.
The most prominent event, of course, was the inauguration of new president Hasan Rowhani.
BBC Farsi published an article with this headline:
روحانی: رويكرد اصلی دولت زمينه سازی برای مشاركت مردم است
Vocabulary:رويكرد - approach
اصلی - main
دولت - government
زمينه - background
سازی - of
مشاركت - participation
مردم - people
The other significant occurrence, which received less attention in the Western media, was Rowhani's proposal of cabinet members. Tabnak described Rowhani's cabinet proposals with the following headline from this article:
کابینه پیشنهادی کابینه 50-50 است
کابینه - cabinet
پیشنهادی - proposed
Translation: The proposed cabinet is the 50-50 cabinet
The article describes Rowhani's proposed cabinet as an even split of conservatives/principalists and reformers. The move was seen as a bit disappointing by reformists with high hopes following Rowhani's election.